I am Thankful For… By:Luci J

There are a lot of things I am thankful for, but my family is the most important thing in my life. They provide everything for me and have gone through a lot with me…. I am extremely proud that I have such a loving caring family. A lot of people are not as fortunate and don’t have family that love them, but I know my whole family is there to back me up and help me out.

Another thing I am thankful for is medicine. A few years ago my grandma got breast cancer and I was a lot younger and didn’t quite get what was going on. I was very, very scared. Now that I understand how lucky she was to survive, I am so thankful for the medicine that cured her and the helpfulness of the doctors.

The last thing I am thankful for is summer camp. Now I know this doesn’t sound quite as important as the other things, but camps are amazing. I went to a summer camp when I was about 5 and whenever I got a bug on me I would freak out. Now I still go to that summer camp, but instead of feeling afraid, I feel a lot more secure in the woods and am pretty good with bugs (though they still can kind of creep me out). I think It helped me get used to nature. Also, I recently went to a week sleepover camp and I really liked the feeling of community. Everyone was so kind and I liked feeling like a part of something big. Everyone brought something special and was appreciated for what they had.

These are just a few of the things I am thankful for and I hope everyone will have a great Thanksgiving!

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