Book Review: Out of My Mind by Dianne K.

Out of My Mind by Sharon M. Draper is a wonderful book about a girl named Melody, a smart girl who has a photographic memory.  She can’t talk, walk, or move and spends her life in a wheelchair. Her name is Melody, so you might think she could sing or at least have a wonderful voice, well no. Melody can’t do anything. Melody’s only wish is if she could be a normal person for at least one day. Only Melody knows that she’s incredibly smart, she’s the only one that knows her goldfish’s name, and she’s the only one that knows her favorite song. Melody attends school where everybody is disabled, but no one like her. Then one day, she finds something that can help her talk, something that finally leads her to speak. Melody finally has the voice that she never had, but not everybody is ready to hear it. If you want a heart-touching story, Out of My Mind is the book for you.


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