My Own Wisdom Tale by Sarah F.

The Talker and the Listener

     Once there were two best friends in the present United States. One was an amazing listener, and one was a great talker. The listener only wanted to be heard, but couldn’t find the courage to speak up. The days went on and the listener just felt only like a listener.  No matter how hard she tried, the talker just didn’t seem to listen.
Even through the listener’s troubles the two girls were great friends, until another girl came along. She was devious and smart. The talker got on her nerves, while the listener seemed smart and kind. The devious girl hatched a plan to befriend the listener and not the talker.
The next day she walked up to the listen and said, “You know your friend doesn’t listen, right? I’d listen to you. She won’t give you the time of day.”

The girl listened, intrigued by the way she put things. The listener thought to herself, “What a foolish thing, leaving my best friend for someone I barely know! I shall trick this girl, and get my friend to listen to me.”
So the listener agreed to the devious girl’s plan, with her own plan up her sleeve. The listener ignored the talker the whole day. The listener was surprised as the talker continued to think everything was normal. The listener thought to herself, “Is this all I am to my best friend, someone that doesn’t need to talk, or look them in the eyes. Am I nothing but a rag doll to talk to?” The listener made up her mind, she would go with the devious girl’s plan.
Things went on with the listener ignoring the talker, the talker not noticing, and the devious girl becoming closer and closer to the listener. Finally, the listener had had enough. She walked right up to the talker and said with an angry tone, “We are not friends! I’m friends with someone else! Leave me alone!”
The talker was amazed and surprised. She couldn’t mean the devious girl. That girl had been trying to pull them apart. “She’s trying to become your friend and not mine! You know that!”
“Of course I do, but you didn’t even notice that I was trying to ignore you. Sometimes the better friend might not be the one you intended to like. You never listened to anything I had to say, she does.”

And so, that’s how the two best friends realized their friendship was not perfect, not even close. Let this be a lesson to you to always listen to what someone has to say, and don’t think your the only one with the good ideas.

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