The Lady and the Tiger By Caity B.

When the princess saw him make eye contact with her, his face was looking at her like she was his absolutely last hope for survive which she was. The princess picked up her right hand and swift fully pointed to the right. His face was filled with glee immediately turned around and started walking. The whole stadium was filled with immense silence as he walked so proudly to the door. The princess noticed that he was trembling the slightest bit. The princess was extremely mingery and mad that the man even thought she was lying and with anger she punched the chair. Even though his face was filled was pride as he walked so happily to the door but his arms were trembling and on his face I saw he was sweating. As he got to the door his sweat’s smell was strong enough that I’m certain everyone in the stadium could smell that odor, how it smelled terrible. When he got to the right door he looked at everyone in the arena and his face clearly wasn’t as happy or prideful anymore. He turned around and walked to the left door. He grabbed on to the handle and slowly opened the rusty old door as it creaked open. He heard a humongous hideous growl and saw two piercing green eyes staring into his. The whole crowd gasped in amazement as they saw his faith was to die a terrible painful dead being torn to pieces and eaten piece by piece. Everyone watched the tiger pounce on the man and see him being shredded to pieces. The princess sat there calmly. She was generous enough to try to spare his life and he himself ruined it. She watched the man being slowly eaten thinking of the pain it mist be causing him and how sorry he must be but she was enjoying ever second of it.


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