The Hurricane By Madison K.

I had a chance to build a roller coaster it is no ordinary coaster. It’s called The Hurricane. At a speed of 181mph, it’s not a forgettable ride. The Hurricane has a weather theme and its a stand up roller coaster. This coaster is powered by a Linear Induction Motor. With this motor, the coaster will have a quick start. This coaster is made out of steel and has steel tracks. The coater starts with a 200 ft. hill then dives right down into a upside down loopy-loop. Then after 20ft. the car goes into a hurricane formation track witch forms a tunnel of mist. Next, the coaster goes 50ft. more and then into a another loopy-loop. After that, passengers go into another hurricane formation track which goes upward, and this time it’s a wind tunnel. Then it goes into a 20ft. drop at a 98 degree angle and up a 50ft ft hill into a side loopy-loop. Next and last, the coaster goes into a barrel roll for seven times. Barrel roll formation is like a water tunnel. The system uses state of the art machinery. If you are pregnant, have a concussion, have heart problems, or under 4ft. you may not ride this ride. Hope you enjoy the ride and ride at your own risk!