
The star I chose for my constellation project is Hercules.

Hercules Co-ordinates of Hercules Strongman is Right Ascension 17h, Declination +30°. Some stars in the Hercules constalation can be as far as 795 light years. Here is an example of the distance of some stars:

Star Designation Name or
catalogue number
Magnitude Distance
(light years)
Spectral classification
α Her alpha Her Rasalgethi
(head of the kneeling one)
+2.6 to +3.4 380 Triple star system
β Her beta Her Kornephoros
+2.8 150 Yellow dwarf
γ Her gamma Her 20 Her +3.74 195 Double star system
δ Her delta Her Sarin +3.12 79 White giant


Myth: The constellation Hercules is named after a superhero, the demigod Herakles, in Greek mythology. Herakles was the son of Zeus and a queen called Alkmene. This connection enraged Hera, the wife of Zeus, so she set about to destroy the boy. He survived, and later performed eight heroic acts and accomplished 12 extremely hard tasks. At the end of his life on earth he became an immortal god and Zeus placed his image in the sky as a constellation. As if to show how even the mighty sometimes fall, there is an impact crater on the Moon named after Hercules.

Because the star Rasalgethi3 means ‘head of the kneeling one’ and lies in the southern part, the constellation is often seen as a man kneeling head first in the sky. The interpretation as Herakles is 2,500 years old ago in this constellation was known as a kneeling man.



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