Advice for Parents Raising a Middle Schooler (Drew)

Hello Parents! If you are a person who has a kid and you are reading this article, that means YOU feel like you are failing as a parent. First of all, I want to help you with your problem. The first thing to remember is that parenting is not rocket science. You are just raising a person younger than you. Remember, they are like dogs and whenever and I mean whenever, they do something good, give them candy, money, power (within reason), or video games. Pretty much, whatever they see as a treat, give it to them if they do something great. This is called by the experts, “Positive Reinforcement.”  Another skill you need is actually being able to communicate with your child, a.k.a talking. Do you ever have the feeling that your child never responds to you? Well, maybe you need to bring up something hip. For example, ask your middle schooler, “How are those Pokemans?” or “What’s going on in Call-of-Duty?”  Bringing up technology is always a good idea. So remember give them whatever they want, except go easy on the power if they are being good, and try to ignore the bad stuff. They will just work harder for the rewards!

My name is Not a Real Person

call me if you have any problems at

(and remember, it’s not rocket science)

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