Will’s Hero Project

My hero is my oldest brother, Robert Jackson. He was born in Logan, Utah on November 3, 1992. A lot of his childhood was spent moving around from house to house, place to place. He started off as the only child in my family. When he was six weeks old, he moved to California. While he lived there, my other brother, David, was born at Stanford hospital. Robert grew up there for a little while and then moved to Austin, Texas, when he was two years old. He lived there for four years, where he started kindergarten, and then moved to Durham, North Carolina when he was six. He finished kindergarten there. When he was nine he moved to Argentina for four five months. When he came back, he started fourth grade at Durham Academy. He graduated last year in June 2011 and is now a freshman at Stanford University.

Robert demonstrates achievement because he got into Stanford. He was always a good student who worked hard, paid attention, and liked school. He was also busy outside of school and participated in activities such as working robotics at Duke and doing stream research. He also liked to play sports such as Discus and Frisbee. When he wrote his application for colleges, some of these activities helped get him in. He applied early decision to Stanford University and received a letter that read, “We applaud you.” He left for college last September.

I chose Robert as my hero because he has a lot of ingenuity. He demonstrated this ingenuity through his accomplishments in the program MONS (Mars Outreach for N.C Students). He and his friends worked to study Mars. They designed, built, and created an experiment for a Mars robot. Then they wrote up their results and took them to a conference in Texas.

I respect Robert because he is well-rounded, organized, and balanced. He knows how to keep sports, academics, homework, and sleep balanced so that he doesn’t do too much of any one of them. He always has free time because he knows how to get his work done efficiently and have time left for fun. He spends time with his friends and family, likes doing origami and math, and accomplishes all of his academic goals as well.

Robert has influenced my life because he is always willing to stop what he is doing and help me at anytime. He offers advice for school and helps me out with homework. Robert has impacted my life because he is a cool, awesome bigger brother that I can count on to stand up for me. I have always looked up to him for doing this.

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