My Hero

My Hero: Jamie Dilweg

by Erin D.

My hero’s name is Jamie Dilweg. She was born on April 27, 1966 in Coral Gables, FL with three sisters and a brother. Jamie is my mom and currently lives with her three kids and a husband in Chapel Hill, NC. She went to school at South Miami. My mom went to middle school and high school at Coral Gables. Her friend as a child was Wendy Burman. Her absolute favorite food in the world is chocolate cake.

As a child, my mom really liked school. Her favorite subject was English. For fun she played hop scotch, rode her bike around the neighborhood, and climbed trees. Once when my mom was climbing a tree she fell and broke her left arm. She had to go see a doctor and get a hard cast. She had to wear the cast for at least a month. When she finally got it off and she was really relieved.

My mom is my hero because she is very caring. She is caring in many different ways. First of all, she is always there when I need her. She also hugs me like no other mom in the world. She hugs me with love and care as if I was the most delicate thing in the world. One time she actually drove about 30 minutes in the car just to pick me up from my friends house because I wasn’t having fun. Afterward, she stayed with me for the rest of the day making sure that I was okay. She is very lovable. When I was little she would always read to me at night and make sure I went to sleep. She would also let me sleep in her bed whenever I had nightmares. She is the best mom.

My mom is my hero because she is very patient. She would wait and wait for me whenever I was slow. In the mornings on the way to school. I would sometimes be late getting dressed and she would wait for me with patience. She wouldn’t get mad at me. She would wait patiently for me downstairs or in the car. Another example is when she helped me with my homework, she was always so patient if I didn’t understand something. She would just help me through it and make sure that I got it right. She would help me with many tough assignments and remain patient. Another reason is that sometimes I forget to pack everything I’ll need for homework. Even if we are already driving away from school and she will turn around so I can get the books I need. That is why I love and appreciate my mom.

My hero is also very inspirational. I want to be just like her when I grow up. She’s able to keep our house clean which is almost impossible! My mom is also very successful and very kind. She loves to make people laugh. If someone is sad or something is wrong, she will use her great sense of humor to cheer us up them up. She is successful because she graduated from Duke University, a very competitive and well respected school. She sets positive goals for our family. For example, our family is very busy with sports in the afternoon. Often times, it woud be so much easier to go out to dinner and skip the healthy homemade meal. She usually insists that she make dinner so that we will have food that is good for us even though it is a lot more work for her. She cares about us so much and I want to be just like that when I grow up.

My hero has impacted my life by showing me what being a real mom is like. She does everything right, and shows me by her example what it takes to be a good person. That is how my mom has influenced my life. I want to be just like her when I grow up.

One thought on “My Hero

  1. Hey Erin,
    I loved you’re story! It was very touching. I think that you’re mom is a great mom!
    Cami S.

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