My Hero

This is my Hero story,

My Hero, Robert Sanguily

by Michael S.

My hero’s name is Robert Sanguily. His nicknames are Rob and Dad. He is age 46 and counting. His birthday is July 2. He was born in the year 1965. He owned and ran a small furniture business and he now helps run a nail restoration company. He currently lives in Raleigh, North Carolina. He has one brother, one sister, a father, a mother, a wife, three sons (including me), and a daughter. I know this person because he is my father. My hero’s childhood was a very exciting one that I sometimes wish I could experience. He went to a Catholic school with nuns and friars as his teachers. If someone misbehaved, they would hit them and for the girls, they would make them kneel on pencils. When he wasn’t in school or doing chores, he would play in the woods next to his house. He once told me a story from his childhood about having a mud ball fight where he, by some miracle, threw a mud ball and it landed right in the mouth of one of the guys he was playing with. The guy went home crying and told his mom that they stuffed the mud in his mouth but my dad’s mom defended my dad as well as his friends by reassuring them it was an accident. He would also dig foxholes in his backyard and play fake war with his brother and friends. Not only did my dad have a fun and exciting life, he also had to work hard to get things he wanted. He worked to get his own bike. He had his own paper route delivering newspapers. He had a lot of responsibility early in his life.

My hero shows great generosity with his time. Being a dad takes a lot of time and energy. My dad provides a home, a warm bed and three meals everyday for our family. He also makes time for fun. He takes me shooting his pellet gun and he once took me shooting at an indoor range with real guns. Another time he took my sister and me to a field where we shot off model rockets and then we would chase after them. Sometimes they would go into trees and we would never find them or they went across the street and we had to go and get them. It meant a lot to us that he would plan something fun like that for us to do together even though I know he was probably very busy with grown up responsibilities.  He is always there if I need help or if I need advice. I am blessed to have a dad who enjoys spending his time with us.

My hero has been very successful in his life. He ran a very prosperous furniture business for fourteen years and he now runs a flourishing nail restoration company. He is successful at everything he does. He has successfully raised a family of four children with his wife, my mom, and keeps us in check. I think that he has succeeded to the fullest extent in life.

I also admire my dad for his sense of humor. My hero is one of the funniest people I know. He can almost always make me laugh and I can sometimes make him laugh. He makes up hilarious jokes. He can make you fall down in laughter. He will tell a joke and all of us will crack up. He also sometimes tells me stories of his childhood that were very funny. We play games with my brothers. We like to play face-time hide and seek. One time playing, my brother commented that my dad had “cracks” in his eyes. We all laughed very hard at that.

My hero has had a big impact on my life. First, he is a great dad who does a great job raising my siblings and me as well as being a good husband to my mom. He provides everything we need by working hard in his businesses. He has taken me places only a dad would take you. He has paid for a good school for me all my life. My dad has made my life so much better by always being there. I hope I grow up to be a hero like him.

This is my Hero book,


This is my Hero,

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