Growing Technology at the Middle School by Kaynaz S.

Technology is growing at the Middle School. Students, and teachers, are using iPads. A lot of people like the idea of using technology to learn or create. Some people disagree, because they think it’s a distraction and causes students not to learn as much. The iPads are very productive for many things, like, homework, reading, dictionary, blogging, reminders, the internet, google (and other google apps), plus for keeping track of what the homework is by looking at their shared notebooks in Evernote.

On the other hand, some people think that the iPads are a distraction in class. With iPads the students might lose focus and disrupt the learning of other students as well as their own. Kids might be tempted to email their friends during class or go on Skitch to draw something and miss the opportunity to learn new things by listening to their teacher. I believe that this does expand the learning of students. Lastly, if students have the privilege to use this kind of technology, such as the iPad, they must be careful what they do, so they don’t disrupt the learning of the class and other students.

Although some people may not feel that this has changed the learning of students, I feel that these iPads have been very useful in the learning of DA Middle School students.


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