My own wisdom tale

There were once two zebras who each thought they had more stripes. Every day of the year, the two bickered and bickered until they decided to count each other’s stripes. Every time they counted, the one with the least stripes always blamed the other for not counting correctly. They decided upon a race. The animals of the forest were the spectators and the owl was the judge. One of these zebras was a particularly slow runner but eventually agreed to the race. When the race started, it looked like the two were even, but the slower zebra eventually took a small lead. After, the faster zebra decided to try and bite the other zebra’s tale off so he could win the race. When the zebra bit, the animals knew something was wrong. The slower zebra had been severely injured and the faster zebra had won the race. When the zebra was about to cross the finish line, he suddenly stopped. He realized what he had done and said, “I do not deserve to win the race, I have cheated.”  The other zebra had different thoughts, “How about we agree that we both have equal stripes and we are both just as important as the each other.” And they became friends and never argued from that day until they died.


Moral: Everyone is equally important no matter if you want them to be or not


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