My Ending to The Lady and the Tiger

So there was once a man who was guilty of a crime. He stood in front of his fate, death or happiness. The man felt the mud in between his guilty toes. He took a deep breath and looked at the barbarian like king, who at that time was acting semi barbarian like. The man smelled and tasted onion from the barbarian like king’s deodorant, which in this day they no longer use. An eagle flew over the right door and never came out. The man at the time thought it might be a trick. The man did reach for the right door but then heard a monster roar inside. The guilty man thought for an hour and then went to the left door. The man prayed that he wouldn’t die, but soon he might find his fate. He heard a lady inside and felt good that there was a lady inside, but there might not be a lady. He did open the left door and there was a hungry tiger, he slammed the door shut and ran for the right door. The poor man took a deep breath and opened the right door and out came a lady. There was a problem because the tiger opened the left door. The tiger roared like it was being bitten by a rat. The semi barbarian king said the man cheated and some of his archers came out with bows and arrows. The archers loaded the bows like cheetahs and took aim. The semi barbarian king said, “Fire!” and all the seven hundred thirty two archers shot. The arrows glided through the air like a steak knife cutting through butter. The arrow killed the man, lady,and the tiger but before the man died, he said, “Kikikikihihidididfiffff,” or “By my love,” in his barbarian language. The moral of the story is to not cheat!



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