The Water Pot- By Ellen C.

This is my wisdom tale that I wrote.

The Water Pot

A lazy girl from a little village in the jungle was sent to fetch water from a river one day. “Be back before noon, we need the water for our meal,” her mother told her. The girl did not want to fetch water for everyone because she was used to having other people do it for her, and she complained until her mother promised that she would get an extra special treat if she returned with enough water for the whole village before midday. It took a long time to reach the river for it was very far away, so, at length, the girl became tired. Her arms were sore from carrying the water pot, and her legs were sore from walking. She set the pot on the ground and sat down on a log. “Why must I fetch the water? I am only a little girl! Suppose I get lost in the woods and I am eaten by a jaguar? Everyone would be so sad! They will know that it is their fault I was killed,” she complained. “My arms ache, my feet ache, I am crumbling to pieces from all of the work!” As the girl was complaining, an old man with ragged clothes came trudging up the path. This man was quite a trickster and when he saw the girl crying out miserably next to a fine water pot, he thought, that is a wonderful water pot. I must get it from that girl. “Why must you be so upset, girl?” He asked. “Oh, those awful people of my village forced me to come and collect water for them. I am so young still. Why should I be made to do their dirty work?” “I will fetch the water for you, girl,” said the man. “I feel sorry for you, so I will do your work. You just run along home now and I’ll be back soon enough.” So the girl gave the pot to him and disappeared back down the trail the way she had come. When she reached the village, her mother came out to greet her and congratulated her for coming home before lunch. “I did it all, I know. Well, this old man did help me a bit, but I did most of it.” “Well, where is the water, girl?” her mother asked impatiently. “Oh, yes, about that,” the girl replied halfheartedly, “The man is bringing it soon.” “What?” Cried her mother. “You let the man take the pot?” The girl soon realized that the man was not going to bring it back and she was sent to her bed without lunch. “Oh, why did I have to be so selfish? Now my actions have caused me to not have food.” The girl was never selfish again and always offered to carry the water after that.

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