Grown Upness is Wasted on Grown Ups


I were a grown for a day the first thing I would do would to make a list:

  1. Get out of the house before you’re parents wake up and think your a burglar.
  2. Leave a note saying I left for school and decided to run. I know it will take me about five hours since I live 30 minutes away.
  3. Actually do what the note says but make sure the security doesn’t see you because they might think your dangerous person.

After I make it to the school without getting screamed at by my parents, making it out the door, getting to school without getting run over or arrested wait until schools out. While I wait until school’s out I might visit the Academy Quick Stop and by some skittles, crunch bars, and grape flavored gatorades with my money I leave at school. Once I buy all these things , I would wait until the first bell rings and go to my home room teacher and say ” Hello Madam. I’m Caroline’s second cousin once removed. She is skipping school today because she doesn’t feel well.” If she actually believes that, I get off of campus, get my stuff and run far away two a place close to my house and wait. I look at the watch on my wrist and see school is about to be let out and start to walk home. On my way home I start to make another list.

  1. Walk into my house carefully.
  2. Walk upstairs and stuff all the candy under your bed.
  3. Run quickly to the toilet and empty your stomach.
  4. Make a mental note to not eat so much candy
  5. Change clothes even if they are 5 sizes to small.
  6. Go to sleep and think about how this nightmare are will soon be over and how you just wasted your day on grown upness.

The next morning I had to explain why the teachers said I was sick and never made to school.

I hope I never have to go through that again.


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