Lady and the tiger

Once the man looked at the daughter, he was very confident that she told him the right door. He thought to himself, what if she’s not telling the truth to me? The crowd was softly chit-chatting in confusion to there fellow neighbors because the sly man was standing in front of the door, he slowly crept towards the door. The man was almost at the door when his lover said out of the wild, OTHER DOOR MY LOVE, OTHER DOOR! The audience gasped. The man opened the door with a small huff. Everyone was silent as a loud gral, the tiger came out, the people started crying, the daughter couldn’t look, the king looked in surprise as the tiger ran out. The man quickly ran, the tiger right on his tale ready to pounce. The tiger slowly lowered the man to the ground, punctured his claw into the mans chest as he slowly began to die….


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