Lady and The Tiger


When the man entered the arena his face turned hot red. The crowd gasped at how pretty he was. He had short dark hair, but he was tall and strong. He turned around and looked at his true love. She very blinked very fast with her right eye. With great confidence, the man started to walk toward the door to the right with swift and fast steps. As he approached the door, he got very tangick. With a slight smile on his face, he began to walk faster. He could almost smell the perfume on the lady. Roses, red roses. When he was five feet away from the door, everyone in the crowd could feel the anxiety in the air, like at the beginning of a race where you just wish it was over. When he finally reached the door, people in the crowd began to worry. He opened the door and smiled when he saw the beautiful woman in front of him. Relief washed over him like a waterfall. He could trust the semi-barbaric princess after all


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