If I Were An Adult For One Day…

Moon Funnel


Grown upness is wasted on grown ups.” Liam Digby


I would wake up. I would go downstairs and brew coffee just like my step-grandfather showed me. While sipping my coffee, I would go and get my laptop and make accounts on websites that said you have to be 13 years of age or older. After that, I would grab the phone and call for a taxi. Then I would make the taxi go to a nearby animal hospital to get a job to work with the reptiles. Two hours later,  I would get the taxi to take me to the comic book store where I would buy all sorts of stuff with the money I earned at the pet hospital. Then with the little bit of money left, I would call the taxi to bring me home. When I got home, I would blast Infected Mushroom music through the main speakers and watch movies. I would invite all my friends over and we would have popcorn. Then when the people would all leave, I would finish all the popcorn and watch STAR WARS until I got tired. Then, I would get my tent and set it up outside and sleep with my dog inside it all night.


I would have brought a mirror and an alarm. The alarm would tell me to wake up at 11:58. When I would wake up. I would grab the mirror and watch my face turn back into an 11 year old child at midnight. I would want to see how the hair on my chin would disappear and how I would lose 2 feet and my feet would no longer touch the other side of the bed. At midnight, I would want to see the transformation. I would love to see the mess from the party be cleaned and the tent would be gone and how I would be in the comfort of my bed. That is what I would do if I were an adult for one day.


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