If I were an adult for a day

If I could be an adult for a day, I would first wake up in the morning and get ready for the day. I would be very excited because I got 7 inches taller the night before. Then I would rent a convertible for the day and have it dropped off at my house. I then would drive straight to the nearest firehouse and police station and thank them for serving our country and to keep up the good work. After that, I would buy some canned foods and bring them to a soup kitchen. Then, I would challenge myself to try a thing I couldn’t do yesterday because of my age, such as ordering a random thing off of T.V that says ‘you must be eighteen or older to order.’ After that, I would adopt a really adorable puppy from an animal shelter and name him ‘Mr. FluffyPantz.’ I would put him in the front with Zulu (my current dog.) I would enjoy a day free without school. Complete freedom. It would be an amazing day!

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