Awesome Space Facts From NASA
Ok every one knows about NASA, right? Well, if you don’t it controls like, all of America’s space stuff. I’m going to tell you about the curiosity rover. Ok? Yay!

The curiosity is the rover NASA is using on the planet Mars. Mars is the one next to Earth that is all reddish orange-ish. It (as far as we know) can’t sustain human life. I find this a good thing because I don’t personally want to live on an ugly, reddish wasteland but that’s just me. I’m sure some of you would be glad to but I’m going to stay here on Earth. Anyway, so in February, the curiosity had a computer glitch. Now it’s back and working again so we can still see if we can live on Mars (or if anything still lives there). I happen to know that the probe is still collecting samples and such. Sadly, if it found intelligent life there I don’t think that they would put it on the website so there is so far no extraterrestrials. Maybe the Curiosity will find some. Maybe it will just find red dust and other land forms. Unfortunately, I don’t know.


(Evil laugh) Now that I have gotten you interested with opinions of mine and talk of aliens, I will now only tell you a bunch of facts. Maybe if your good and keep reading I will throw some opinions in at the end. So….. keep reading please.


The Cureosity gathers data weather, climate, and well, red rocks. Very recently, like a week ago, it drilled into a rock for the first time. Yay, drilled rock! Ya, Mars is seaming kind of boring. Oh well. The Cureosity rover has or sort of had two computers. An A computer and a B. from my previous paragraph you know that the computer glitch messed up the rover. Well that’s why there is more then one computer. Fall back system. It also has analysers in there too. And may I remind you that this is only one rover.


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