My Hero by Imani S.

On October 29, 1966 Toby Barclift, my uncle, was born. My grandmother says he was always determined as a little kid. During his childhood my uncle only had two close friends. Of course he had others, but these two friends were his buddies ever since he was born. They’ve been through thick and thin as kids and they were such rebels! They would ditch classes to go to movies that they weren’t allowed to see and of course my grandmother and grandfather punished him for these pranks. But, from pre-k to college, my uncle has never been tardy! If he had to pick one moment in his childhood life that was his favorite, it would be in 9th grade when he first started playing football. The first time he picked up the football he ran all the way and made a touchdown. He won the game for his team and became a hero. He is now a hero to me. This is why he’s my hero. Now I am going to give you some reasons why.

One characteristic my uncle has is that he is always so much fun. Even though my family is always worried, scared, and frightened about my uncle’s return from military service and going to his station, he always comes back with BIG SMILE on his face! Every time he comes home from his station, for about 1-2 years he always comes back with a positive attitude. For example, one time when my uncle came back from Kuwait, he convinced all of our family to go bowling. It was so much fun! We had pizza and drinks and we told the employees who worked there to throw a big celebration for him. They made a cookie cake and we ate it all. It was really good! Everything was all well and fine, except when he tried to roll a strike, he went too far up the aisle and slipped backwards. That is a time we’ll never forget! He would say that was the worst thing that ever happened to him. That will always be one of the funniest moments of my life. My uncle is the most fun person I have ever met.

Another characteristic my uncle has, is being strong. For example one time at our family reunion we were playing tug-a-war. My cousin and I were up against my uncle and we were trying so hard but we couldn’t even move him an inch! He pulled us so hard we fell in the mud! He’s also strong and bravesoldier who protects our country. He can never be broken and I feel safe knowing that he is working for the United States. That’s why I think my uncle is strong.

My uncle also connects with people because he is so influential and passionate toward his work. When people see his uniform they take the time to say, “Thank you” to him. A lot of times when we go to places like the bowling alley, the movie theater, or a restaurant, we see other families who eitherhave lost someone in the war, had a tragic accident while their relative was at their station, or someone who just separated from a family member. When they see us, they see how happy we are and it gives them hope that their loved one will come back one day no matter how long it is. When my uncle goes to far away places like Afghanistan, Kuwait, or Iraq I know that we will have this long distance relationship that no one can break. That’s why my uncle connects with people.

The impact my uncle has had on my life, is that he is always there for me at important events such as basketball games, volleyball games, and dance recitals. His support is very meaningful to me. Sometimes he can’t come, but that’s ok because we usually Skype so that way he can see me even though he’s not actually there. He was also in Iraq looking for Bin Laden, which really scared me and my family, because we worried that we would not see each other again. He taught me to always be patient and to have faith. When he came back home safely, was so relieved. For these reasons and many more, my uncle is and always will be, my hero.


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